What is B2B? Why Should We Do B2B?

What is B2B? Why Should We Do B2B?

B2B literally is the abbreviation of the term business to business, which means business between companies in English. B2B e-commerce sites, which basically act as a bridge between the manufacturer and the seller, are the eco systems where the dealers, distributors and similar sales channels that sell the products and services to the end users purchase goods and services from the producers. Unlike a typical e-commerce site, the b2b e-commerce system offers much more detailed and customizable services to the seller.

What is B2B? Why Should We Do B2B?

What is B2B?

B2B literally is the abbreviation of the term business to business, which means business between companies in English. B2B e-commerce sites, which basically act as a bridge between the manufacturer and the seller, are the eco systems where the dealers, distributors and similar sales channels that sell the products and services to the end users purchase goods and services from the producers. Unlike a typical e-commerce site, the b2b e-commerce system offers much more detailed and customizable services to the seller.

How is B2B done?

To be able to do B2B e-commerce, you first need a website. It makes no difference whether you are entering b2b e-commerce as a manufacturer or just an intermediary. It is essential that you are a taxpayer, the products you will sell are determined, you have a b2b infrastructure with a payment infrastructure and an order tracking system, and of course, the necessary preparation is made for both the supply and the post-sale delivery of the products you sell. Today, there are softwares that provide infrastructure services for b2b e-commerce. The foremost of these is of course Trizbi b2b e-commerce erp software. We strongly recommend that you do not decide without examining Trizbi, which offers you all the infrastructure and ancillary services you need for B2B e-commerce in a single package.

Why Should We Do B2B?

For companies working with a B2B business model, it is very important that sales channels are open 24 hours a day. Under normal circumstances, companies stop their activities completely or mostly, outside of the working hours they have determined within themselves. There is no such limitation for companies that buy / sell through the B2b e-commerce site. Products can be sold at any time of the day, payment can be accepted and an environment where trade never stops can be provided. This is at the top of the advantages offered by B2B.

When you examine the websites that work in the B2B model, you immediately notice that the companies are expanding their sales globally. Today, the products of a country like China, which is a world leader in production, are sold more easily to the whole world thanks to a website that works in B2B model like Alibaba.

B2B Software

If you have a company that works with the B2B e-commerce model, you need a software that manages the processes within a certain standard and handles many transactions for you. B2B software, on the other hand, is software designed to work in the b2b e-commerce model, with the tools that meet exactly this need. Without B2B software, it is almost impossible to manage an eco system where e-commerce continues around the clock. Do not forget that besides tracking products, orders and payments, communication between vendors and vendors can be integrated into this system and all processes can be analyzed and reported in detail by the software.

B2B E-commerce

Due to the development of technology, the desire of people to stay in their comfort zones, and the epidemic we are experiencing these days, e-commerce continues to develop at a faster rate than ever before. In addition to the usual e-commerce model between producers / consumers, e-commerce models are also developing between producers / sellers. B2B e-commerce is also an ongoing e-commerce model among companies, and more and more companies have started to develop business in the b2b model.

B2B e-commerce model can be designed so that the manufacturer can sell its own products to its dealers and distributors, or it can be designed to bring manufacturers and distributors together on a platform. Regardless of which business model you adopt, you can easily manage your b2b e-commerce business and processes with Trizbi. For this reason, you can find detailed information about Trizbi's advantageous services on our website or by asking our customer service at the bottom right corner.


Storytelling Method in the B2B

Storytelling in the B2B industry is a new method that has recently been included in our lives in the field of marketing. The subject discussed in this method is to explain a subject that will make associations with the product rather than the product, by an expert on the screen. In the e-commerce sector, where competition is increasing day by day, completely product-oriented approaches no longer function.

Selling Abroad with B2B

Selling abroad with B2B is a factor that increases sales figures and profitability for almost all e-commerce companies. Compared to the domestic market, it is also possible to offer the products to the buyers at much better prices due to the exchange rate difference.

TikTok's Role in the B2B Industry

The use of TikTok in the B2B industry is an important step for B2B companies to develop content marketing tactics that are freer, simpler and more compatible with the emotions of the target audience. Although it seems to be behind other social media platforms, the common opinion of the experts; its potential is much greater.

Cookie Policy in B2B

Before examining the cookie policy in B2B, it is necessary to answer the question of what is a cookie. Cookies are small texts sent to the browser by the website visited. In the content of these texts, besides the information that will help the system to recognize the visitor on his next visit, there may also be data required to increase the user experience.

What is Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)?

Conversion rate optimization (CRO) means increasing the likelihood that a user will complete a seller-set goal on a B2B website. This could be buying a product, requesting a quote or something similar and is vital to converting the visitor into a potential b2b customer.

Sitemap Creation in B2B

Sitemap Creation in B2B is the most important step for B2B sites to be indexed and ranked. Sitemaps prepared in XML (Extensible Markup Language) format are interpreted by the search engine algorithm and provide data that should or should not be included in the ranking.

How should the About Us Page be Prepared?

The first page where an e-commerce company can express itself to its customers is undoubtedly the about us page. A user visiting your website for the first time may want to have an idea about your company before they start shopping on your website.

What is a Distance Selling Contract?

E-commerce, by its nature, provides an environment that allows shopping without the need for buyers and sellers to come together. For this reason, legal arrangements have been made in order to protect the interests of both the buyer and the seller, and the necessity of a distance sales contract has emerged.

Campaigns That B2B Companies Can Benefit From

As competition increases in e-commerce, companies need to develop new strategies and stand out by encouraging potential customers to shop in the light of these strategies. This situation usually develops when b2b companies organize various campaigns and create an element of preference for their potential customers.

Cargo at B2B Companies on Special Days

Shipping in B2B is different from other types of e-commerce. The reason for this is that customers are also companies and both their sales and production run parallel to the timely delivery of the products they ordered.

Suggestions to Strengthen the B2B System

Every day, new companies are included in the b2b ecosystem. The purpose of all of them is clear; to be at the top of the market. So what steps should be taken in identifying and implementing appropriate strategies to achieve this? For companies that want to dominate the market or at least have a say in intercompany trade (B2B), we have tried to summarize the issue in six items.

The Place of Instagram in B2B

Instagram, where photos and videos were shared by users without a specific purpose in the past, continues its development with many innovations that allow brands to promote and acquire customers in the process.

B2B Software and Integrated B2B System

B2B software is the program that provides the infrastructure needed to manage all processes in the b2b system established for e-commerce from company to company. Today, in an environment where technology is in every pocket, b2b software and integrated b2b system should be easily viewed on phones, tablets and computers and should not lose their functionality.

B2B Companies on Social Media

In social media, it is possible to talk about many different strategies that b2b companies should implement in order to acquire new customers. Even though your target audience is companies, since inter-company trade is carried out, the fact that the products you produce are liked and demanded by the consumer is the main reason that will motivate other companies.

B2B LinkedIn Strategy

Today, when we think of social media platforms, we think of websites where people meet each other, express their opinions about a subject or find old acquaintances, and we are right. One of the social media platforms, on the other hand, has a more limited audience but great power, serving a completely different purpose and bringing business life together.