Shipment and Return Orders

Easily Manage Shipments with the Shipment Application

Take control of your shipments with the Shipping Application. Monitor your shipment orders by defining stages, and perform bulk transactions with picking orders. Minimize risks in your shipping planning.

Shipment Orders

Organize your shipping orders by stages, create bulk picking orders from these shipments, and efficiently handle delivery notes and invoicing processes all on a single screen.

Shipment Orders

Delivery notes

Track your delivery notes by delivery note and shipping dates from the Delivery Notes menu. Utilize filters for delivery methods and courier selections to streamline your tracking process.

Delivery notes

Automatic Phase Changes

With advanced settings, you can either close the shipment order with all collected items or specify stages for transferring the shipment orders, whether with all collected items or partially collected items. The stage changes will be executed automatically.

Automatic Phase Changes

Easily Manage Return Orders and Consolidate All Records

Record your incoming and outgoing orders using the Returns Orders application. Filter and list your returns by reason, product, and business partner. Easily track payment statuses from the list.

  • Incoming Returns

    Easily manage your return orders by creating them from your order records without breaking the original order link.

  • Outgoing Returns

    Keep a record of the orders for the products you intend to return.

  • Advanced Filtering

    Utilize the filtering feature to list your return orders based on criteria such as return reason, payment status, product, product group and category, and customer. You can also save this list as an Excel file.

Incoming Returns
Discover Ready made All-in-One Solution for Your Company.
Frequently Asked Questions
  • Can I diversify the return reasons?

    You can define as many return reasons as needed from the return reasons menu.

  • Can I see my product-based return orders?

    You can access your return order list based on products without applying any filters.

  • Can I define stages for my return orders?

    You can define phases using the phase feature.