Suppliers / Purchasing

Maintain Your Supply and Demand Balance with Supplier and Purchasing Management

Lower your costs by sourcing your products from the right supplier at the right price using Supplier and Procurement Management.

With Supplier and Procurement Management, you can swiftly adapt to market fluctuations, enhancing your competitiveness and boosting customer satisfaction.


Increase Your Competitive Power with Purchasing Management

With Purchasing Management, create purchase requests and orders for your products. Increase your order fulfillment rates by tracking deadlines.



Discover Ready-made All-in-One Solution for Your Company.
Frequently Asked Questions
  • Can I categorize my suppliers?

    You can define as many supplier types as you want without any limitations.

  • Can I get a report on purchased products?

    With Purchase Management, you can access a list of the products you've purchased. You can find unit prices and quantity information for these products and customize the report based on daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly periods.

  • I buy certain products from different suppliers. Do you have a solution to make this easier?

    You can match your suppliers with products by enabling the "Use Supplier-Product Matching" feature.