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Sitemap Creation in B2B

Sitemap Creation in B2B

Sitemap creation in B2B is the most important step for B2B sites to be indexed and ranked. Sitemaps prepared in XML (Extensible Markup Language) format are interpreted by search engine algorithms and provide data on what should or should not be included in the ranking.

Sitemap Creation in B2B

What B2B Companies Need to Know in the Sitemap Creation Process
Sitemap creation in B2B is the most important step for B2B sites to be indexed and ranked. Sitemaps prepared in XML (Extensible Markup Language) format are interpreted by search engine algorithms and provide data on what should or should not be included in the ranking. Sitemaps, which are one of the most critical technical aspects of SEO, must be prepared in the appropriate format and submitted to search engines; otherwise, it is nearly impossible for B2B companies to rank well. So how does the sitemap creation process work in B2B, and what should be considered? In this article, we will cover these questions and other essential information you need.

Why is a Sitemap Necessary for B2B Companies?
As in all types of e-commerce, B2B is a very active and dynamic sector. B2B companies want every new product added to the system to be included in the search engine rankings instantly, which is a natural expectation. Sitemaps, which guide search engine robots and indicate how often they should crawl the site, should be prepared in a way that presents the necessary data to search engines. A typical sitemap for B2B companies should include the following information:

1. Page contents

2. Update frequency

3. Last updated date

4. The location of the page (URL)

5. The relationship of the page with other pages

What are the Advantages of Sitemap Creation for B2B Companies?
SEO is a complex process, and the right or wrong decisions made in its application are becoming increasingly important. Sitemaps have evolved over time, and their content continues to change, but one thing remains constant: their importance. A properly prepared sitemap provides several advantages and can significantly influence the future of B2B sites. The advantages include:

1. Since sitemaps are tools that facilitate the work of search engines, they enable faster indexing and can improve a B2B company’s SEO score.

2. A B2B site with a sitemap can deliver its constantly updated content to search engines more quickly. As mentioned earlier, every added product becomes visible in search engines such as Google.

3. Increases visibility potential.

4. Helps you get ahead of your competitors in SEO.

5. With the increase in organic visitors, it can significantly reduce advertising costs.

What are the Stages of Sitemap Creation?
The process of creating a sitemap in B2B can be divided into three main stages:

  1. Deciding on the Type of Sitemap
    Search engines allow the submission of various types of sitemaps that their algorithms support. Therefore, the first step in the sitemap creation process in B2B is to decide on the type of sitemap to prepare. Sitemap types include:

    • XML sitemap
    • HTML sitemap
    • Mobile sitemap
    • News sitemap
    • Video sitemap
    • Text sitemap
  2. Creating the Sitemap
    Once you have decided on the type, the next step is to create the sitemap. The sitemap should be created in the relevant format according to the type you have chosen. Today, both the software used and the website infrastructures known as CMS (Content Management Systems) can do this automatically. However, it is often helpful to manually review and edit the sitemap, especially if unreliable software is used, as inappropriate content may be included in the sitemap.

  3. Adding and Submitting the Sitemap
    The final stage of sitemap creation in B2B is submitting it to the search engine. Google, Yandex, Bing, and other search engines allow you to upload the sitemap via their administration panels.

In addition to its website service, Trizbi also offers various SEO modules. One of the most relevant is the automatic sitemap creation process. Thanks to a module meticulously prepared by SEO experts, all products added to your B2B website are automatically included in the sitemap, ensuring that search engines detect updates.



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