Selling Abroad with B2B

Selling Abroad with B2B

Selling abroad with B2B is a factor that increases sales figures and profitability for almost all e-commerce companies. Compared to the domestic market, it is also possible to offer products to buyers at much better prices due to the exchange rate difference.

Selling Abroad with B2B

Selling abroad with B2B is a factor that increases sales figures and profitability for almost all e-commerce companies. Compared to the domestic market, it is also possible to offer products to buyers at much better prices due to the exchange rate difference. Benefiting from this profitable sales method has various differences compared to general domestic rules. For example, translating the sales site into the language spoken in the target market, managing the sales process, and, of course, handling cargo and logistics, which is one of the most important processes. Today, we will discuss cargo and logistics issues related to selling abroad with B2B, which is the most critical and final stage of the process.

Search for Cargo Companies That Ship Abroad
There are many cargo companies operating in our country. Especially in big cities, you may even find services that can deliver the product to the buyer within days or even hours. However, when you sell a product to the overseas market, it may take days or even weeks for the product to reach the buyer. For this reason, you need to find a cargo company that offers fast and economical solutions in the target market. If you start working with a company whose services and pricing you are unfamiliar with, there is a high probability of a negative impact on your overseas sales due to a significant decrease in the profitability rate we mentioned earlier and the potential negative effects that may occur.

Find Out International Shipping Prices
Shipping fees are one of the most important expenses to consider when selling abroad with B2B. Generally, cargo companies determine the transportation fee of a product based on factors such as volume, weight, and whether the item is commercial or individual. While there may not be a significant difference in your domestic shipments, international shipments may involve additional considerations, such as the destination address. For example, factors such as the distance to countries like the USA and Australia, the transportation facilities in the destination country, and any partnerships the cargo company may have there play an active role in the calculation. Therefore, it is necessary to identify companies that ship to your target market country and request pricing according to your products.

Make an Agreement with Cargo Companies
To sell abroad with B2B, you should make an agreement with the most suitable cargo companies for your needs. Cargo companies can offer terms of agreement that include various conveniences for businesses. Sending cargo abroad without an agreement with a cargo company can be very costly. Here are the things you should consider when deciding on the company you will make an agreement with:

1. Identifying and thoroughly researching the companies you will consider for the agreement.

2. Negotiating with the selected cargo companies and requesting a price offer.

3. Obtaining detailed information about the working conditions of the relevant companies.

4. Learning the company's transportation types, delivery methods, and times to your target market country.

By correctly planning these four steps and making an agreement with a suitable company, you can ensure that companies selling abroad with B2B will partner with the right cargo company.

Leverage Shipping Labels on Your Website
Every individual or company wants to know how long it will take for the product they purchase to reach them. B2B companies should take advantage of shipping labels on their product pages to meet this demand. Shipping labels provide the buyer with transparent information, such as delivery time, cost, and the company responsible for the shipment.

Integrate Cargo
Almost all cargo companies offer various services for their e-commerce customers. Perhaps the most functional of these is the API service, which allows the rapid flow of information between the courier company and the B2B company. By integrating your web software with a cargo company that offers API services, you can better manage the cargo and logistics process.

Trizbi offers an infrastructure that can seamlessly integrate with the cargo companies you have agreements with, both for your domestic and international sales. If you want to take both user experience and management processes to the next level, you can always contact us to learn more about Trizbi.


Storytelling Method in the B2B

Storytelling in the B2B industry is a new method that has recently been introduced into the field of marketing. This method involves an expert on the screen discussing a topic that creates associations with the product rather than focusing solely on the product itself. In the e-commerce sector, where competition is increasing day by day, purely product-oriented approaches no longer suffice.

TikTok's Role in the B2B Industry

The use of TikTok in the B2B industry is an important step for B2B companies to develop content marketing tactics that are freer, simpler, and more aligned with the emotions of the target audience. Although it may seem to lag behind other social media platforms, the common opinion of experts is that its potential is much greater.

Cookie Policy in B2B

Before examining the cookie policy in B2B, it is necessary to answer the question: What is a cookie? Cookies are small text files sent to the browser by the website visited. These text files may contain information that helps the system recognize the visitor on their next visit, as well as data required to enhance the user experience.

What is Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)?

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) involves increasing the likelihood that a user will complete a seller-set goal on a B2B website. This goal could be buying a product, requesting a quote, or something similar, and it is vital for converting visitors into potential B2B customers.

Sitemap Creation in B2B

Sitemap creation in B2B is the most important step for B2B sites to be indexed and ranked. Sitemaps prepared in XML (Extensible Markup Language) format are interpreted by search engine algorithms and provide data on what should or should not be included in the ranking.

How should the About Us Page be Prepared?

The first page where an e-commerce company can express itself to its customers is undoubtedly the "About Us" page. A user visiting your website for the first time may want to learn more about your company before they start shopping.

What is a Distance Selling Contract?

E-commerce, by its nature, provides an environment that allows shopping without the need for buyers and sellers to meet in person. For this reason, legal arrangements have been made to protect the interests of both the buyer and the seller, leading to the necessity of a distance sales contract.

Campaigns That B2B Companies Can Benefit From

As competition increases in e-commerce, companies need to develop new strategies and stand out by encouraging potential customers to shop using these strategies. This often occurs when B2B companies organize various campaigns and create a compelling reason for their potential customers to choose them.

Cargo at B2B Companies on Special Days

Shipping in B2B is different from other types of e-commerce. The reason for this is that the customers are also companies, and both their sales and production depend heavily on the timely delivery of the products they ordered.

Suggestions to Strengthen the B2B System

Every day, new companies join the B2B ecosystem. Their purpose is clear: to be at the top of the market. But what steps should be taken to identify and implement appropriate strategies to achieve this? For companies that want to dominate the market or at least have a say in intercompany trade (B2B), we have summarized the issue in six key steps.

The Place of Instagram in B2B

Instagram, where photos and videos were once shared by users without a specific purpose, has evolved with many innovations that now allow brands to promote their products and acquire customers.

B2B Software and Integrated B2B System

B2B software is a program that provides the infrastructure needed to manage all processes in a B2B system established for e-commerce between companies. In today’s environment, where technology is ubiquitous, B2B software and integrated B2B systems should be easily accessible on phones, tablets, and computers without losing their functionality.

B2B Companies on Social Media

In social media, there are many different strategies that B2B companies should implement to acquire new customers. Even though your target audience consists of companies, since inter-company trade is conducted, the fact that the products you produce are liked and demanded by consumers is the primary reason that will motivate other companies to engage with you.

B2B LinkedIn Strategy

Today, when we think of social media platforms, we think of websites where people connect with each other, express their opinions on various subjects, or find old acquaintances, and we are right. However, one social media platform has a more limited audience but wields great power, serving a completely different purpose by bringing the business world together.

Marketing Strategies for B2B

Marketing strategies for B2B are systematic processes that outline how to achieve goals, allocate the necessary resources, and guide team members in achieving those goals.